Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is here

So Michael and I actually had a spring break together! It was fabulous. We ended up going to the "Real" West Texas to Fort Davis and the Davis Mountains. We stayed in Davis Mountains state park at the Indian Lodge. The view was incredible. We got a room in the historic section of the hotel and decided we should probably stay upstairs if we go back. We stopped along the way at the Odessa Crater, which was very small, but fun. We also stopped at the Monahans Sand Hills State Park and walked along the edges of the dunes. We got to the Indian Lodge around 8 that evening.

The next day, we woke up, had breakfast, and drove to the McDonald Observatory. We got to sit in on a live sun viewing. We then got to go see the telescopes, which were great. We then drove to Marfa, Tx to see some art and found a great pizza place with some of the best pizza we'd ever had.

On Friday, we woke up and drove into Fort Davis and ate at this great cafe on the patio. We then went to the Fort Davis National Monument and walked around to see the ruins. It was really neat to see all the history and to see the restorations in one area and the complete ruins in another area. We really had a great time. We drove down to Van Horn on our way home and then up to the Guadelupe Mtns. State Park.

It was a great trip. We really had some fun and hope to go back some time soon!

Friday, February 12, 2010

All Things in Place

You know how uncomfortable it can be when you just don't feel like you are doing what you are supposed to be doing? I think I've felt that way for the past year. I knew that I wanted to teach at a university or college somewhere. I knew that I wanted to work at a teaching university rather than a research university. I knew that what I was doing was gearing me up for something in the complete opposite direction of what I wanted. It's a terrible feeling to be thrust forward so fast in the wrong direction that you feel like you can't get back to where you wanted to be. By the end of November, I was filling out applications for anything, from a job with Miller Brewing in Denver Colorado to an instructional designer position in Washington state.

About a month and a half ago, I was sent an email from a faculty member in my department about a job teaching one duel credit BCIS course in Slaton. I wanted to know more about this job, so I went on google, searched for Slaton ISD, and, somehow stumbled onto an opening for a BCIS teacher. Here was my fast track to the direction I have been supposed to be going in for a very long time. I took it. I contacted the personnel director, principal, anyone I could think of, and asked about the position. Luckily, one of our friends knew the principal. Her mother had been a teacher at Slaton High School for the last 20 years (recently retired). She sent an email as well. On January 8th, I interviewed and by January 11th, they offered me the position. I started the job on January 27th...also my birthday...and have loved every minute of it.

I am no longer feeling like I'm running the wrong way. I know that I'm supposed to teach. I know that this is where I fit in the world. And for the time being, it's perfect.