Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I haven't named my pumpkin yet, but she's very cute, right? Jenn, Amy, Heather (friends from work and their friends) and I spent the evening on Thursday drinking wine, carving pumpkins, and eating some great food! So much fun! Amy and I (mostly Amy) gutted the pumpkins while Jenn and Heather sorted through the seeds to bake. We then all picked out our patterns, pinned them on, then started carving.

Michael and I have been getting our costumes together. He's going as a jedi (no suprise there...) and I'm going as Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. Don't have any big plans this evening, so we've got the candy in the bowl by the door for this evening. Our big plans are for next weekend, so we'll post pics as soon as we get some! Plan for this weekend: watch scary movies, the TTU/Kansas game, and try not to scare any little kids that much.

I Can't believe how fast time has flown! Michael and I have been very busy trying to stay well and get the job done. My semester has gone by very quickly - started out taking 9 hours and have dropped down to 6 and am still somewhat behind. I hope that I can catch up in those classes soon. Michael and I have both had the flu already and I'm trying to get rid of a stubborn sinus infection, so we've been sick a lot this year already.

Good news, though! I got a promotion and raise at my job. Hoping to keep climbing the least while I am still at TTU (for as long as we can ride it out). Michael's had a good school year. He's had an administration change, but that's gone very well. I've also had changes at my job too. We've grown and have three new people working at the TLTC. I've really enjoyed getting to know these new people!

Hope everyone's having a great holiday weekend! I can't wait to see all the pics posted on facebook of crazy costumes all around! Don't forget to "fall back" this weekend and enjoy the extra hour of sleep! Oh...and one more thing.... redrum...redrum....


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